Thursday, April 12, 2012

Incoherent Mumbler

On any given day, a man walks around campus, near the gym, with a wide open bag on his back and a trash grabber in his hand. He walks around collecting trash, from the grass, from the sidewalk and from the little metal trash canisters attached to the light posts. While he does this he grumbles to himself about any number of things. Once I heard him complaining about litter-bugs and I almost joined the conversation; it is a little ridiculous that there's enough trash on our campus to make him feel needed. Yesterday he was there again only this time he was more informative than angry. As I walked by this is what I heard, "Tomorrow is Thursday -- then Friday -- the thirteenth" then I was out of earshot. I looked at my iPod and sure enough, this Friday is the thirteenth! Thank you trash collector!

Speaking of incoherent mumblers, I found myself involved in a political discussion with a gentleman who actually said that if people don't have health insurance they should die, that welfare recipients are lazy moochers, and that Mexicans are wrong to try and preserve their culture in our country. Mostly I was fascinated by this specimen. I asked tons of questions, like: Do you know any Mexicans, welfare recipients or uninsured ill people? His answer was, "No," but that didn't matter to him. I briefly pointed out that I like to keep my wild assumptions about large groups of people limited, at least, to things that I have personally witnessed; but alas, I was still curious. I asked him how he could rationalize arresting those who have the ability to prevent a suicide and don't, but not arresting a doctor who has taken an oath to give medical attention where there is a need, but doesn't because of insurance? He had no answer. I asked him if he was aware that the majority of welfare recipients worked 40 hours a week making minimum wage? He was unaware of that. Then, just to be ironic, I told him I agree about the Mexicans. I told him I was going straight home to send smoke signals arranging a PowWow so I could spread the word. Of course, I'm not Native American, but since I'm living on their land it would be wrong of me to spread the word via this blog, wouldn't it? He understood the reference, but saw it as unrelated.

All-in-all, it was a good conversation and it made me realize something very important: being an idiot is one thing; knowing you're an idiot is another; but witnessing and idiot realizing he/she is an idiot, now that is pure gold!

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