Monday, July 2, 2012

Burn and Crash!

It's weeks like this that make me the warrior I am. I would really like to go to the gym and take the kids to the pool every day, but I also want to move the furniture out of my office and get ready to re-floor it. Oh! And re-floor it. Plus, I sort of need to go grocery shopping and it's sort of my job to cook dinner in the evenings, or at least have something planned that Hubby can take care of, which is difficult with a lack of food in the cupboards or lack of time to plan.

I think I'll try to do my workout in the pool, make a few crockpot meals, and maybe run to the store tomorrow evening after dinner -- without the kids.

Then of course, we'll see if I don't crash on my face Friday night. Anybody takin' bets?


  1. I find planning so difficult! Maybe I should plan 1 day at a time, rather than for the whole week!?

  2. It's true that smaller steps are easier to take than big ones! My goal for today was to move two pieces of furniture out of the office. Now, I'm done with that and I can go lounge by the pool, have lunch and MAYBE move one more when I get home.... I like getting ahead, but I can't STAND falling behind. It's a tight-rope walk. Find what motivates you and STICK TO IT!
