Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Just Threw Up a Little

I haven't commented on the Trayvon murder yet because: a. everyone else already has to great extent and b. the whole thing makes me want to vomit. (HuffPost Article)

Questions for Commissioners:

1. How do you justify beating and pepper-spraying peaceful protesters, and not at least arrest a man for shooting another man?

2. If I walked up to a cop and told them I had marijuana in my pocket (and did) wouldn't I see the inside of a jail cell? You are communicating your priorities with everything you do; you should know that.

3. How is local law enforcement serving and protecting the community by NOT arresting a shooter in ANY MURDER?! Even suspects of involuntary manslaughter get put behind bars until a preliminary hearing.

This country is in an ugly place.

"Serve and Protect"


  1. I like your point. Trayvon's case is the pinnacle of so many injustices.

  2. The "Stand you ground" law should be what the defense attorney uses to try escape a conviction, not what the cops use to excuse an arrest. Ridiculous!
