Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I Want What The Ants Are Having.

Well, I made some very tasty Banana Bran muffins yesterday. I also sent two muffins, to school with each kid, buttered up and ready for lunch. Yum! I will say that, in an attempt to improve upon the recipe, I added some cloves and cinnamon to the mix, then sprinkled brown sugar on top. However, the cloves and cinnamon were a BAD IDEA. Those flavors take away from the oaty banana bran flavor (I think I used oat bran rather than just regular wheat bran), but the brown sugar on the top was definitely a WINNER! The tops of the muffins are moist, gooey and sweet. Who doesn't love that in a muffin top?

I'm the luckiest person in the world on Wednesdays. I drop the kids off at school, go to the gym, take a shower and sit in Barnes and Noble for three hours, reading, writing, and musing until one of my best friends walks in for lunch, and my day only improves.

What do you do with an apple core or banana peel when driving in a car? Do you toss it out the window or let it smell up your trash receptacle? It can't be considered littering, it's biodegradable. I have seen people turn onto our block, reach their hand out the driver's side window and drop an entire bag of fast food refuse. Entire fountain drinks explode onto pavements while cars speed along and once at a stoplight I actually witnessed a grown man crumpling a cigarette package in his left hand, holding his arm out straight and ceremoniously opening his fist, letting the crumple plastic and cardboard fall the the ground and sit there with no hope of a second thought from it's previous owner. Yet I can not bring myself to toss out an apple core as I pass a bush for fear that someone might simply perceive me to be littering. I refuse to be linked to those juvenile-planet-trashers even out of ignorance. So, to those ants and plants that would have gotten the banana peel, had I been braver, I'm sorry. But to those ants and bushes that secretly received the apple core, you are welcome! It was good wasn't it.

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