Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 3: Is this experiment over yet?

The family went shopping yesterday. We spent $129 on food. And I got a big bowl of mixed fruit. I probably could have spent the same amount on the fruit and got twice as much if I was willing to chop it myself, but who has time for all that chopping? I will probably have to make time next week. We barely got by with the $130 budget this week. I already had a lot of items left from last week, so the shopping was relatively light. And luckily the kids will eat a school lunch once this week. One thing is for certain. Lunches for the kids were a lot cheaper when they were in public school and if we only had $200 a week of disposable income, the kids wouldn't be getting a private education. No way in hell. All the discounts in the world wouldn't help our poor kiddos get the education all children deserve. In fact, they would be going to public school and we would let the school feed them in order to save money. So, they would be subject to the ridiculous Kansas Health Department, which for some unknown and highly ignorant reason, doesn't offer anything but cow's milk with lunch. I guess what I'm saying is that their diet would suffer.

Are there still people in our world who believe that cow milk is good for you? Look I get that's it's delicious, but that in itself should make us question it's nutritional value. Oh wait, people already have questioned it's nutritional value and what did they find? That's right. Not good for humans. So all those commercials telling us to drink more milk?? Lies. It's a million dollar industry, why would they tell you any different?


Things a Working Class Family of Four Can't afford:
A college Education
Putting Money in Savings
Eating Out
Private Education

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