First of all, if a corporation can donate to an election as an individual, than I, as an individual, should be able to register as a corporation. I would like government assurances that I will not go bankrupt. If I am failing as an individual, I think it would be nice to know that a bail out is possible. In fact, I'm not making CRAP on this blog, I think I will make it CyniSister Inc.! If I continue to fail, surely it will no longer be my fault. If the government can be corporate, so can we!
Also, what is wrong with us as human beings that we drive our cars to places so that we can stand around and bitch about gas prices??! Just imagine for a moment, parking your car in your garage or driveway and never using it again. Scary huh? Now imagine if EVERYONE did it. The streets would be empty, save for a few city busses that aren't bothering anybody by their frequent stops. Get out your roller blades, skate boards, bikes, trikes and unicycles and make all this pavement work for YOU! I could jog just about anywhere I need to go. And people who are having a hard time finding work could sell refreshments on the sides of the roads, letting the people who are saving $4 a gallon buy a bottle of water for $1. I know it sounds crazy, but supply and demand is working backwards for the oil companies. We should at least try to park our cars for a week, shouldn't we?
And that DAMNED insurance company. How dare they suck our wallets dry! Everyone knows that doctors and hospitals charge more to insurance companies because they know the bill is going to get paid. Everyone knows that those same bills are ambiguous at best and that the insurance company doesn't pay any mind unless they think they can get out of paying it. And yet everyone keeps on paying into to these blood sucking assholes! I say CANCEL IT NOW! I get so sick of hearing people talk about stimulating the economy with stupid little tax breaks and payouts. If health care was free THAT would stimulate the damn economy!! When you're healthy, you buy shit!
Great Ideas. If only they were reality.