Update: Juliet still has some rough times coming, I think. Her major drama is that she would rather throw toys away than put them away. So, I eliminated her ability to throw toys away leaving her only the option of putting them away. It's been a long boring process and she's trying everything not to finish.
Benjamin has been fighting with me the most about his hair. It's long and curly and adorable. I have never had any intention of cutting it off. However, when his bangs got long, he literally started fighting with them and me simultaneously. No matter which one of us brought up his needing a trim he always treated me with disdain, as though
he thought I was going to shave his head while he slept(which makes no sense
because at the moment I have P!NK's hairdo and plan to do a faux-hawk the next time I'm out with friends. Why would I take that freedom from my son?). So, I shaved his head. Neither of us were happy about it, but immediately afterwards, he was my little man once again. Cool tempered, realistic and not irritable. (quite frankly, that's why I
shave my head!) He can earn back his long hair with less disdain. And he's just going to have to trust me when I want to trim it for him.

Today is Thursday. The house is still a mess, I'm slightly less tired, and Juliet is still sleeping(hence no fighting). They have a Melissa&Doug Responsibility Chart hung up and ready to be marked off, we have a few fun activities planned for after we do some cleaning and my kids and I are going to have a GREAT day! And that is just THAT!
It sounds like a typical summer day with kids who are lacking the structure of the school they attend for 9 months. No wonder parents celebrate the beginning of the school year. I have great memories of summers with my kids, but I also remember the relief of school starting again, and I was a teacher heading back to work. I think we all missed the structure of the school year.