Why in the world is there even such a thing as an automatically

flushing toilet and in what stupid damn universe was THIS a good idea?! I bet if people from a hundred years ago could see us now they would say, "You've GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! In the future we're going to invent jet engines but be too stupid to flush the shit down the hole!" Seriously. They are loud, obnoxious, annoying and unnerving and sometimes they splash! Eck! Do people really forget to flush or are automatic flush toilets part of this whole germ fearing craze? Actually that's absurd. No way are people too afraid of germs to flush a damn toilet. Do we need reminding that we used to wipe with leaves and newspaper?... or our hands?! We have NOT become such germ-a-phobes that we can't even flush a toilet in the same room as a sink and soap! If you can't stand the idea of your hand having the slightest possible amount of inconsequential filth for the 3 seconds it takes you to walk to the sink, then YOU are the disease killing this world. I mean, I have been to toilets that flushed on their own and with such ferocity that it splattered me with water. I ask you: How is that more sanitary? I thought, "Great! Next they'll have to install showers so that we can wash off the piss water!" Clearly it wasn't for sanitation. I can't believe it's laziness, but I could wrap my head around some stupidity. It seems that everywhere I squat these days I see signs telling the users not to flush tampons, paper towels and now even, diapers! They should just wallpaper the stalls with freakin' instruction manuals on how to properly take a crap! Soon our dogs will be laughing at us because even they do it better. We can't figure out how to use one of the few things that is in every building in the country. Stupidity. Well, we can't cure stupidity by making everything automated. At some point, we as a species just have to get a little dirty. And whatever they were attempting to achieve with the auto-flush toilets, I'm fairly certain, they've failed.
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