Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Leprechaun on LSD

When I go just two days with out working out, I get pissed at the world (low on endorphins).  But once I put in a little gym time, I can feel my antagonistic self melt away.  Something however that did not leave with the other garbage today was an article I saw on The Huffington Post.  The title of the article talked about Michelle Obama "switching it up" (or something to that effect) at the White House Correspondence Dinner. When I clicked on the article I was extremely disappointed to find a slide show of the First Lady's outfit for the evening.  Silly me.  I thought, just maybe, the press would be all over something she SAID.  The dress was pretty.  They all are.  It would take a socially retarded person to hold that type of position, knowing damn well that cameras will be involved and NOT wear something nice.  Do we really need to keep our standards this low for women?? My four year old dresses like a leprechaun on LSD sometimes, but she says some pretty damn profound things.  The other night we were all four playing Parcheesi when it became evident that the youngest, Juliet, was sending everyone back to the beginning.  She was vicious and we pointed it out with light hearted jabs.  At one point my husband said, "Man!  Juliet is out to win it!" to which my darling girl responded by pointing to each person in turn and saying, "Oh yeah? Well, you are trying to win, you are trying to win and you are trying to win.  And I'm trying to REALLY WIN!" at which point she placed her little angelic hand on my arm and gave me a rather jarring Elaine-esque shove!  I'm not making this up.  I realized how silly we were all being pretending that we weren't trying to win.  Why roll the dice at all, if you don't care about moving forward??  Juliet was perhaps the only one playing by the rules and I have no idea what she was wearing.  REPORT THAT HUFF!  Let me give you a title, "FOUR-YEAR-OLD GIRLS HAVE BRAINS.  DO YOU?"  Perhaps after her insightful little proclamation I could have said, "Juliet you are so amazingly astute.  May we ask?  Who are you wearing?!"  And she would no doubt respond, "Mo-om, we can't wear people!"  And, once again, she would be absolutely correct.
She's wearing a pink shirt and
can count to 100 upon request.


  1. Now do you see why your mother refused to wear makeup and jewelry? What do men have to do to doll themselves up. NOTHING I am shocked at the Huffington Post. How disappointing. Michelle Obama is the intellectual equal of her husband; yet, nobody cares what she says, only what she wears. That would make a great Saturday Night Live sketch. Pan the audience and comment on the men's fashions while listening to only what the women have to say. I wonder how many people would recognize the sarcasm.

  2. Oh man! I could TOTALLY write that skit!
