Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Nut Juice Car Wash!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Post Pissed

Friday, May 27, 2011
On My Pyramid, Again!
Ok. So, nobody wants to be without health insurance.... more than I do. But, I am fully aware of the hazard that my reckless abandon could present in this country. In other words, I'm not willing to risk life or limb for a few extra bucks. That being said, I'm not ready to accept the idea that we don't have choices. We must! Or else this will become a blog about me denouncing the country and it's leaders for their communism(and I might disappear). Since I don't think that will happen, I'll lay out my plan.
It just so happens that I received a mailer from Blue Cross and Blue Shield, the other day. It advertises coverage of hospitalization, surgery, etc and that doctor's visits must be paid by the patience. Oh! And check-ups are free. So, as long as the premiums are reasonable and Doctor's
visits aren't ridiculous, it may be an option for us. I really want to know what it takes to pay for appointments outright. What if we pocketed our $400 a month(or put it in a holding account) and paid for all of our services directly. Let's face it, the insurance company is just a middle person. Why can't we cut them out? I don't think it's fair to pay someone $48,000 a year to file paperwork. Do you? What would happen if we all just canceled our insurance????? WHAT THEN?
I have a little less than 50 weeks before those ass munching premium increasers come back and beg my husband for his signature and money. What I want to find out between this time and that is: A) Do you really get fined if you don't have health insurance in this country?? I'm assuming that's just a vicious rumor, but it's something I want to look into. B) Will doctors and hospitals REALLY turn you away if you don't have a little laminated card?? I mean really? Doesn't that go against their code of ethics? C) What are some of the national healthcare providers and how do their prices match up? What does Blue Cross and Blue Shield have to say? D) If I don't like any of my other options, how hard would it be to start my own Insurance Company and provide coverage to only the President, Vice President and the two youngest shareholders in the history of said company? We'll pay ourselves to file paperwork and approve procedures. We wouldn't need a 1-800 number and we could demand more information from the doctors sending us overtly vague itemized bills. If we ever had to

Thursday, May 26, 2011
Love Letter
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Come for the Cookies
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
On My Pyramid.
Monday, May 23, 2011
I like the school that they were in. I like the teachers and I love the principle but they suffer from the same affliction that I, as a teacher's daughter, have seen in the eyes of TOO MANY public school teachers. It's a disease called, "Too Few Funds." I know from much experience that if my mother had had bottomless pockets we would have simply afforded better games, puzzles and books. When teachers set out to teach, they do it with every means available to them. (unless they suck at it, like so many of the teachers who apparently parented Fox News morons) If a teacher does not have enough classroom funds, they will dip into their pockets to afford great teaching tools. I've seen it from the best. But how incredibly unfair is that? They barely make enough as it is and now they have to take from themselves and their families to teach our children? I would cry, but I'm not Glenn Beck, I have a good strong set of boobs on me. So, instead I blog and put my children in private school. At the same time, however, when I am asked to vote on a proposition to increase property taxes, to help the local public schools, I will vote YES. My taxes will not help my children, but I hope that they will help someone else's.
This Friday, we will take in a minor league baseball game. I like the minors because the assholes on the field are still trying to make the big bucks. They haven't done it yet, so they know how the majority of women feel(especially women who play baseball). At the minors, hot

Friday, May 20, 2011
Not just we, the parents, but we, the whole family. Something about being in the military and being told that even if you don't like the president you can't say anything negative, hence, no freedom of speech, makes you want to have unlimited freedom of speech for the rest of you life. We're hoping that our kids get cussing out of their systems at a very awkwardly young age and see unnecessary cussing for what it is in adolescence, immaturity. We don't go crazy or look for reasons to use profanity, we just don't believe in censoring the outside world or our reaction to it. If in a movie, a character says, "Holy Shit!" and the kids think it's funny and say, "Holy Shit!" our only response is to tell them that while they may find it funny to use that language in our house, they cannot use it in public or at school unless they are prepared for the reaction they are going to get. If it becomes an issue outside of the house, we will no longer allow it inside the house. So far so good.

Over the years words that were never meant to be "bad" were made that way by circumstance. The absolutely insane part of it, is that our kids can no longer say, "Butt" at school. I mean, really???? Butt?? When I was in school we couldn't say ASS.
Little Jimmy: "You're an ass!"
Teacher: "Jimmy, watch your mouth!"
Little Jimmy: "You're a butthead?"
Teacher: "ok."
My kids have been told they can't say, "hell" and I've even heard a teacher tell them not to say, "oh my god." They can say, "I wanted a PBJ, BUT my mom made me a ham and cheese," but they can't say, "butt" if it's spelled with two t's in their heads?? What if someone uses the word "but" as a constant argument with everyone around them and another child wants to make a literary joke and call them a "but-head?" Will this really be criminal in today's school environment? The idea makes my fucking ass twitch! We've equipped our children with code names. From now on, "butthead" is "bottomtop." We told them that only they would know what it really meant and they thought this was pretty damn brilliant. Unfortunately, it's kinda catchy and now my husband and I can't stop calling the kids and each other bottomtops. Try it it's fun. Even in the privacy of our own home we prefer bottomtop. It is my goal to make bottomtop as offensive as possible so that it will be prohibited by the time my kids graduate. Then the word "ASS" will have much more "bad word" capital! And that will be abso-fucking-lutely fan-damn-tastic!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Voices in my Head

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Suck it, Blow it, Light it up. Just don't burn it.
1. a. Somehow the turning of the wheels recharges the battery and this has something to do with the alternator.
b. Those beautiful big wheels that spun next to a house on the river and looked as though they were churning it were powering the building they were attached to by harnessing the power of the water current. Things spin and make power. Got it? http://youtu.be/wDgGvPdAuTU
2. a. There is a car, today, recently invented, that runs on compressed AIR. It's air, but it's compressed.
b. Compressed air is how a nail gun drives a nail into a two by four or the shingles onto your roof. It's air, but it's compressed. Got it? http://www.flixxy.com/zero-pollution-automobile.htm
3. a. There's this adorable little bike for kids that uses the turning of the steering wheel to move forward and allows momentum to keep it going. It turns on a stinkin' dime too! It looks so fun and goes so fast and all they do is use their arms to wiggle the steering wheel. Wiggle wiggle ZOOM!
b. Pulleys make a little work into a lot of energy. This is evidenced in bicycles. Peddle peddle ZOOM! Got it? http://youtu.be/rauJq_LTMYI
4. a. America specifically, and the world in general, has an obesity problem. It probably stems from the fact that we don't have to work for anything. (that's physical work I'm talking about) We work for paper money and the jobs that actual require some sort of physical labor are usually the lower paying ones. We make more money to be fat shits and then we pay to go to a gym.
b. If we could move through our streets just a touch slower to open up the possibility of lower power transportation, it would also be safer for those of us who would like to bike, ride a scooter, etc. We do not NEED things like hummers in this world. For any reason. But if we keep driving them, someday we will need them because they will be the only thing our fat asses fit in. Got it?
Put this all together with the fact that the FREAKIN' SUN produces power as well and you get some pretty nice fitting pieces to a puzzle. Solar panel roofs, alternators, compressed air, a tiny touch of human power(pedals, hand cranks, nothing exhausting unless you work up a sweat peeling an orange) and maybe some blades that can harness the wind you will experience by MOVING. The vehicles may look a little funny at first, but we will have a life time to fix that. It is possible and I absolutely refuse to believe that it isn't. And I don't care who you are, with gas prices what they are, I don't think anyone is out there saying to themselves, "Man, if only these damn doors weren't in my way, then $4 a gallon wouldn't seem so bad." But nothing will happen until we decide to pull the heads of oil millionaires out of their own asses. Get it? This generation just needs to get fed up. I think that there are some locked doors presenting obstacles, but they're not attached to our cars.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
For Shoe Funds!

Monday, May 16, 2011
Wow Blogger
Friday, May 13, 2011
Creepy Kids
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
No Brainer!
I think I'll go ahead and write a book called, "Twelve Steps to Becoming a Peaceful Nation" (Spoiler alert! Step 12 is "don't go to war"). Then I'll publish, "If you don't like being fat, try eating less." Oh man, I should just by my house in the Hamptons now!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Get a Life --->

---> Personality this way. ---> Don't fight it. ---> Have fun. ----> Grow old. --->Buy ointment!

Monday, May 9, 2011
F#^*ing D!ck
While you were gone, your cats behaved extremely well... the first day. On day two, however, they protested their undying devotion to us by, in true cat manner, sticking their butts in our faces, incanting evil spells at us with their eyes and completely ignoring our desires to pet them. The conversation below was recorded right in your very living room.
Tabby: Hey! Watch me make this sweet jump from the window to the mantle!
I: No! Tabby?! Don't do it!
Tabby: Huh? What? Were you talking? Well, anyway watch this jump. I'm so awesome.
I: Tabby!! GET DOWN!
Tabby: (jumping, irritatedly to the floor) Fucking Dick.
As you can see, your felines obviously hold us in their highest regard and for this we apologize. It was not our intention to become their favorites. We tried to be as annoying as possible to them, but they saw through it all and now, it seems, we are quite fond of each other.
Your Friends (but mostly theirs),
The F#^*ing D!cks
Friday, May 6, 2011
Nut Juice Update: Works Well With Grandma's BALLS!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Pressure to Perform
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Leprechaun on LSD
She's wearing a pink shirt and can count to 100 upon request. |