I told you so!!!!
Ok, so I'm being a bit childish, but I can help noticing that EXACTLY one week ago yesterday Network News broadcasted a story about a red-neck shooting his daughters laptop with a gun. And EXACTLY one week later, there was a high school shooting! It's as if I can predict the future! WAKE UP SHEEP! Monkey see; monkey do!!!! LEAD BY EXAMPLE! If we don't expect adults to think about their actions we certainly can't expect high school students to. However I expect BOTH!
"Wait, wait, wait," you say, "Are you blaming the dude who shot the computer for causing a high school shooting?"
Yes. Partially, I am. He did, after all, take the additional step to tape record it and post it to YouTube for the world to see. What kind of publicity do you think the high schooler was expecting to get??
Do I blame the shooter's parents? Absolutely, but again, partially. I mean, they can't be expected to lock up EVERY gun in their house can they? Or teach their child that we don't solve problems with violence.
But you know who else I assign a quarter of the blame? All the parents out there that had the audacity (and stupidity) to support the red-neck's "Facebook Parenting" technique. You are doing nothing be creating a world where problems are handled with violence. The issue here, is that you don't always get to decide what is a problem and what isn't.
I also blame network television and the idiot child that took the gun to school, equally.
**Moral Of The Story**
When parents bitched because they couldn't enforce seat belt usage and children were dying, the government stepped in and mandated seatbelt use.
When parents couldn't keep teens from buying over the counter drugs and getting high with them, the government stepped in and required identification for buying Nyquil.
But now, we have parents using guns irresponsibly and all I hear about is how Obama is going to take them away. Well, he isn't. He's probably only going to make them harder to obtain and make the punishment for using them to commit a crime (like shooting at high school classmates) more stringent, but after these last two weeks, I wish he would take them away. If you aren't going to act like an adult, how can you possibly expect the government to treat you like one?