Tomorrow's post will be lighter, I promise!
Below is the latest and greatest from the Texas Republican Party. It's a mother-fuckin' beauty. I've copied and pasted the platform in it's entirety so that you can rest assured I'm not making this up, but oh... oh how I wish I was!
I've highlighted the areas I intend to argue here.
1. If you still believe that your god is what made you free, then you need a psychologist more than a politician. But just for chits-and giggles, let's say that what they are assuming upon every citizen of Texas is true. God gave them freedom and the founding fathers "implemented" it. No shit, it says that. I can only assume that their goals include not infringing upon that freedom. WRONG! Don't worry, I'll prove it.
2. That little excerpt under "Patriot Act" I can agree with, but notice it's vague. How? I would ask. And just before that they encourage racial profiling, it says "reasonable" profiling. Is any profiling reasonable? really?
3. Now skip down to page 6. Marriage is god-ordained? So, as a buddhist I would have no right to marry in texas? What is a natural man and a natural woman? It sounds to me like they are restricting peoples rights in the name of god... that's unnatural isn't it?
4. You can only be free to live the life you choose to live if you choose to live a judeo-christian, heterosexual life and thank god for that freedom.
5. And here is where it gets really painful for me. They want to protect women from abortions because of the "pain" it causes. <deep breath> What about childbirth itself? Or the birth of sick and dying baby? No protection from that pain? When will legislation start protecting women from the back pain of carrying 20 extra pounds around for 9 months? What about the pain of a miscarriage? Or the pain of giving birth to the most perfect individual you can possibly imagine only to have your government establish her as a second-class citizen. FIX THAT DODDAMN PAIN FIRST! What about the pain I experience knowing that no matter how high my daughter's education is, her work will always go underpaid? Where is my protection from that pain? Which state is going to come up with a platform that protects me from the pain in my head that I experience after reading this hypocritical fuck-tard of a document that goes on to discourage
critical thinking? And after all of this is said and done, who is going to eliminate the pain I have in my ass caused by the republican party making me scream at the top of my voice that I AM A HUMAN BEING, ten times smarter than any of you morons that wrote this piece of shit and more capable of handling pain that five of you put together?!!! You want pain? Pop a plum out of your penis, raise it 18 years and have it die in a war over oil because your god is somehow better than theirs and gave us the freedom to fight for things that only matter in a dollar amount!
I need a moment...
I'm sorry. I only outburst like this at republicans around election time. They have this amazing way of becoming even more stupid than I had originally imagined them. I'm cool now.
6. Just one more thing. They discourage the teaching of "higher order thinking skills" because it challenges a students "fixed beliefs." For this I pose only one question: Are there any fixed beliefs, that one could have at any age, that would not benefit from being challenged? The challenging of fixed beliefs is what causes paradigm shifts and those are extremely beneficial to development. For instance, if I ever met an intelligent, critically thinking, republican, I would have a paradigm shift. Unfortunately, that has yet to happened.
Good luck Texas!
Report of
Platform Committee
Rules Committee
We STILL hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed
by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
Happiness. The embodiment of the conservative dream in America is Texas. Throughout the world
people dare to dream of freedom and opportunity. The Republican Party of Texas unequivocally
defends that dream. We strive to preserve the freedom given to us by God, implemented by our
Founding Fathers, and embodied in the Constitution. We recognize that the traditional family is the
strength of our nation. It is our solemn duty to protect life and develop responsible citizens. We
understand that our economic success depends upon free market principles. If we fail to maintain our
sovereignty, we risk losing the freedom to live these ideals.
We, the 2012 Republican Party of Texas, believe in this platform and expect our elected leaders to
uphold these truths through acknowledgement and action. We believe in:
fertilization to natural death.
their children.
and the unalienable right to defend themselves.
10.Honoring all of those that serve and protect our freedom.
11. “The laws of nature and nature’s God” as our Founding Fathers believed.
We strongly support state sovereignty reserved under the Tenth Amendment and
oppose mandates beyond the scope of federal authority, as defined in the U.S. Constitution. We further
support abolition of federal agencies involved in activities not originally delegated to the federal government
under a strict interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.
Unelected, Appointed Bureaucrats (Czars) - We decry the appointment of unelected bureaucrats, and we
urge Congress to use their constitutional authority to defund and abolish these positions and return
authority to duly elected officials, accountable to the electorate.
Constitutional Citations on Legislation - We urge that all bills presented in the U.S. and Texas Congress
include citations to the authorizing constitutional provision, cost to implement, and impact on the family.
If It’s Good Enough For Us It’s Good Enough for Them - The Government shall not, by rule or law, exempt
any of its members from the provisions of such rule or law.
Law Enforcement - We support limitation of criminal jurisdiction of federal law-enforcement agencies into
state and local jurisdictions and encourage them to enforce the laws under federal jurisdiction. The states
have the right to protect their citizens if the federal government fails to enforce their applicable laws.
Preserving National Security - We believe terrorism is a major threat to international peace and to our own
safety. We urge our national leadership to:
Protect and defend our Constitutional rights and swiftly wage successful war on terrorists
Eliminate aid and cease commerce with any nation threatening us or aiding terrorists or hostile nations
Publicly support other nations fighting terrorists
Reasonably use profiling to protect us
Prosecute national security breaches
Revise laws or executive orders that erode our essential liberties
Patriot Act - We urge review and revision of those portions of the USA Patriot Act, and related executive
and military orders and directives that erode constitutional rights and essential liberties of citizens.
Emergency War Powers and Martial Law Declarations - We strongly urge Congress to repeal the War
Powers Act and end our declared state of emergency. Any Declaration of Martial law should be approved
by Congress.
Elimination of Executive Orders - We reject the unconstitutional use of Executive Orders and other
mandates lacking congressional approval.
Inter-jurisdictional Agreements - We oppose inter-jurisdictional agreements with any state that prevent the
Governor from controlling the military, police, other emergency management personnel, and/or State of
Texas resources. We call for repeal of any existing agreements.
Washington D.C. - We strongly oppose making the District of Columbia a state or adding Congressional
Census - We oppose the Census Bureau’s obtaining data beyond the number of people residing in a
dwelling, and we oppose statistical sampling adjustments. We support the actual counting of people and
oppose any type of estimation or manipulation of Census data. Only U.S. citizens should be counted for
the purpose of adjusting legislative districts.
Preservation of Republican Form of Government - We support our republican form of government in Texas
as set forth in the Texas Bill of Rights and oppose Initiative and Referendum. We also urge the Texas
Legislature and the U.S. Congress to enact legislation prohibiting any judicial jurisdiction from allowing any
substitute or parallel system of Law, specifically foreign Law (including Sharia Law), which is not in
accordance with the U.S. or Texas Constitutions.
Germane Contents Requirement - All content of any bill must be germane to the title of the act.
Legislative Accountability Requirement - All bills passed in the U. S. or Texas House of Representatives
or their respective Senates should require a recorded and preserved vote, and no bill voted on may be
changed after the vote. We support rules requiring that all votes on bills cast in the Texas House and
Senate be made freely available to the electorate.
Constitutional Convention - We strongly oppose any constitutional convention to rewrite the United States
Border Security – The U.S. Border must be secured immediately! It is the fundamental responsibility of our
federal government to do so. Narcotics, arms and human trafficking have a devastating effect on our nation.
By using every available resource to achieve 100% border security and control, it will enhance the protection
of all Americans, especially border residents. The State of Texas has the rights to protect their citizens,
businesses and ranches if the Federal Government fails to enforce their applicable laws.
Constitution. We encourage the Legislature to rescind its 1977 call for such a convention. We call upon
other states to rescind their votes for such a convention.
Affirmative Action - Inasmuch as the Civil Rights Movement argued against using race as a factor in
American life, affirmative action reintroduces race as a divisive force in American life. The Republican
Party of Texas believes in equal opportunity for all citizens without regard to race or gender. To that end,
we oppose affirmative action.
Reparations - We oppose any form of reparation.
Government Takings and Restrictions - We reaffirm our belief in the constitutional concept of the right to own
property without governmental interference, and that property ownership and free market enterprise forms the
foundation of our collective wealth. NO government entity should abridge or deny these rights. To that end
we urge legislative changes to address the protection of these bedrock rights. Areas of concern from our
grass root constituency are:
Annexation; all affected parties of a proposed annexation should be allowed a vote on said proposal.
Eminent Domain and property forfeiture; the taking of property under eminent domain or property
forfeiture should specifically exclude seizing private property for public or private economic
development or for increased tax revenues. Additionally, we support fair market value compensation to
the property owners for all damages from all sources as a direct result of any taking.
Natural resources and conservation easements; groundwater and/or mineral rights are a vested
ownership. Conservation easements, involving watersheds, green areas and nationalization of lands
should be resisted in the strongest manner applicable.
All private property owners involved in these matters should be notified of their rights under law with regard to
condemnation, annexation or easement and the condemner should be required to show the public need and
necessity by petitioning a court of jurisdiction. Taking of property should result in immediate compensation of
fair market value to the owner. These issues should always be administered by organizations and elected
officials accountable to voters.
Water Districts –We strongly applaud the decision made by the Texas Supreme Court regarding
regulation, regulatory taking, metering, and restricting production of individuals’ underground water. We
advocate fair market value compensation for the taking of an individual’s private water supply. We urge
the restriction of Water Districts to their original purpose of supplying clean drinking water and/or the
purpose of reporting regarding underground water. We ask the legislature to allow citizens who are
impacted by said water, irrigation, fresh water supply districts the ability to vote on the selection of the
board or committee members of these districts and allow the voters the ability of recall of these elected
officials of an irrigation district, fresh water supply district, municipal utility district, or any other special
purpose district.
Transportation Corridors – We oppose the construction of transportation projects which surrender control or
ownership to foreign interest. We oppose the use of eminent domain for construction of a “trans-Texas
corridor” or similar project which would create a federal corridor through Texas.
Protection from Extreme Environmentalists – We strongly oppose all efforts of the extreme environmental
groups that stymie legitimate business interests. We strongly oppose those efforts that attempt to use the
environmental causes to purposefully disrupt and stop those interests within the oil and gas industry. We
strongly support the immediate repeal of the Endangered Species Act. We strongly oppose the listing of the
dune sage brush lizard either as a threatened or an endangered species. We believe the Environmental
Protection Agency should be abolished.
Homestead Protection - We support continuance of Texas’ homestead protection.
Livestock and Pet Locations - We oppose a mandatory animal identification system.
Banning the Use of Red Light Cameras – We oppose the manner in which alleged vehicle violations are
documented and fines levied against individuals without proof of their having been the driver of the offending
vehicle and we call for the ban on Red Light Cameras in the State of Texas
Driver Licenses - We propose that every Texas driver license shall indicate whether the driver is a U.S.
citizen. No such license shall be issued to anyone not legally in the country.
Free Speech for the Clergy - We urge amendment of the Internal Revenue Code to allow a religious
organization to address issues without fear of losing its tax-exempt status. We call for repeal of
requirements that religious organizations send the government any personal information about their
Government Regulation of Religious Institutions - The state should have no power over licensing or
training of clergy. The State should withdraw all imposed regulations.
Restore Constitutional Integrity in the Legislative Process - We call upon the U.S. congress to pass
legislation to restore Constitutional integrity in the legislative process. We strongly recommend Single
Issue Legislation that prohibits the current practice of inserting into otherwise unrelated legitimate
legislation funding for or federal regulations for special interest issues into virtually every piece of
The Rights of a Sovereign People - The Republican Party of Texas supports the historic concept,
established by our nations’ founders, of limited civil government jurisdiction under the natural laws of God,
and repudiates the humanistic doctrine that the state is sovereign over the affairs of men, the family and
the church.
Fairness Doctrine - We oppose any attempt by Congress or any federal agency to implement any policy
comparable to the “fairness doctrine” as terminated in 1987.
Empowering Local Entities Concerning Religious Meetings - We support the right of local entities to
determine their own policies regarding religious clubs and meetings on all properties owned by the same
without interference.
Real ID Act - As the Real ID Act effectively creates an unconstitutional and privacy-inhibiting national ID
card, we hereby call for its immediate repeal.
Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) - We oppose this act through which the federal government
would coerce religious business owners and employees to violate their own beliefs and principles by
affirming what they consider to be sinful and sexually immoral behavior.
Government Intrusion into the Internet – We oppose the government’s ability to shut down websites either
directly or through intimidation without a warrant or judicial hearing.
Direct Election of State Judges - We support our right to select our judges by direct vote.
Visiting Judges - We support legislation prohibiting judges defeated by the electorate from serving as
visiting judges, or acting as judges in any capacity, until such time they are reinstated by the electorate
through a subsequent election.
Jury Reform - We support the right to privacy and security of prospective jurors during jury selection.
Courts must show relevance of questions asked of jurors and perform a balancing test between the
prospective juror’s right to privacy and lawyers’ need to know. Either party in a criminal trial should have a
right to inform jurors of their right to determine facts and render a verdict.
Qualified Juror Service - Jury service should be limited to registered voters.
Administrative Justice - Citizens have a right to full participation in administrative law processes.
Judicial Restraint - We urge Congress to adopt the Constitutional Restoration Act and support the
principle of judicial restraint, which requires judges to interpret and apply rather than make the law. We
support judges who strictly interpret the law based on its original intent. We oppose judges who assume
for themselves legislative powers.
Remedies to Activist Judiciary - We call Congress and the President to use their constitutional powers to
restrain activist judges. We urge Congress to adopt the Judicial Conduct Act of 2005 and remove judges
who abuse their authority. Further, we urge Congress to withhold Supreme Court jurisdiction in cases
involving abortion, religious freedom, and the Bill of Rights.
Judicial Nominees - We urge Republican Senate leadership to ensure that a record vote is taken on every
judicial nominee.
Information Disclosure on Judicial Candidates - The Texas State Republican Party should foster a judicial
archive site on the internet with personal history, qualifications, and past rulings made by all judicial
Statutory Authority for Regulation - Defendants charged with violating a governmental regulation should have
the right to see the enabling law.
Unions - We support legislation requiring labor unions to obtain consent of the union member before that
member’s dues can be used for political purposes. We strongly oppose card check.
Candidate Eligibility - A candidate running for office should be required to reside within the geographical
boundaries of the office sought. The Secretary of State shall be required to certify that State and Federal
Candidates placed on Ballots proffered in Texas meets the Statutory Requirements for the Office sought.
A candidate must submit to the Secretary of State proof of qualifications for the office being sought,
including proof of citizenship and in the case of a presidential candidate, an original or certified copy of a
valid birth certificate.
Voter Registration - We support restoring integrity to the voter registration rolls and reducing voter fraud.
We support repeal of all Motor Voter laws; re-registering voters every four years; requiring photo ID of all
registrants; proof of residency and citizenship, along with voter registration application; retention of the 30-
day registration deadline; and requiring that a list of certified deaths be provided to the election
administrator in order that the names of deceased voters be removed from the list of registered voters.
Electoral College - We strongly support the Electoral College.
Voting Rights - We support equal suffrage for all U.S. Citizens of voting age who are not felons. We
oppose any identification of citizens by race, origin, or creed and oppose use of any such identification for
purposes of creating voting districts.
Voter Rights Act – We urge that the Voter Rights Act of 1965 codified and updated in 1973 be repealed
and not reauthorized.
Felon Voting - We affirm the Constitutional authority of state legislatures to regulate voting, including
disenfranchisement of convicted felons.
Protecting Active Military Personnel’s Right to Vote - We urge the Texas Secretary of State and the U.S.
Attorney General to ensure that voting rights of our Armed Forces will neither be denied nor obstructed.
Fair Election Procedures - We support modifications and strengthening of election laws to ensure ballot
integrity and fair elections. We strongly urge the Texas attorney general to litigate the previously passed
voter ID legislation. We support increased scrutiny and security in balloting by mail; prohibition of internet
voting and any electronic voting lacking a verifiable paper trail; prohibition of mobile voting; prosecution for
election fraud with jail sentences; repeal of the unconstitutional “Help America Vote Act”; and assurance
that each polling place has a distinctly marked and if possible separate location for Republican and
Democratic primary voting.
Campaign Contributions – We support full disclosure of the amounts and sources of any campaign
contributions to political candidates, whether contributed by individuals, political action committees, or
Texas House Leadership Town Hall – We call for the Republican members of the Texas House of
Representatives after the November election, leading up to the Legislative session, to hold public town
hall meetings in which the voters can express their wishes and thoughts about the leadership for the 83rd
Texas House Leadership Caucus – We call for the Republican members of the Texas House of
Representatives to convene in caucus after each November general election to determine by secret ballot
their candidate for Speaker of the House, and that rules be instituted to ensure the integrity and security of
the secret ballot so that members may vote without risk of retribution by the prevailing party. We also call
for the Republican members of the Texas House to vote as a unified body for their selected speaker
candidate when the Legislature convenes in regular session and a vote for speaker is called on the House
Residency Requirements - We support legislation that determines residence in accordance with common-
law rules, as recognized by the courts, except as otherwise provided by the Texas Election Code.
Campaign Finance Reform - We urge immediate repeal of the McCain-Feingold Act.
Enforcing the Platform - Every Republican is responsible for implementing this platform. Party candidates
should indicate their positions on platform planks before their acceptance on the ticket and such
information should be available on the Party website.
Contributions to Conservative Candidates - We strongly oppose the Republican Party of Texas,
Republican National Committee, the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee, Republican
candidates and elected officials, political action committees, and politically active non-profit organizations
from being financially supported by any individual or organization that have personal or financial ties,
directly or indirectly, to organizations who do not support the principles of the Republican Party of Texas
Conflicts of Interest - We support legislation prohibiting influencing or voting of any elected official or
appointee where a conflict of interest exists. No such official should represent paying clients before a state
Lobbying Limitation - We support legislation to prohibit former officials and government employees from
lobbying for a foreign government and/or any business for five years after leaving public service. We
support legislation to prevent lobbying by any organization receiving federal grants except that relating to
its tax status.
AWOL Legislators - We urge the Texas House and Senate to compel attendance of absent members and
penalize those who attempt to break the quorum by not being in attendance.
Governor’s Veto - We urge a Constitutional amendment permitting the Legislature to return for a three-day
session in response to the governor’s veto.
Term Limits- We urge Congress, the Legislature, and the Republican Party to institute Term Limits.
Filibuster – We support return to the traditional Filibuster in the U.S. Senate.
Rosebush-Blocker Rule – We strongly oppose the re-adoption of the Rosebush-Blocker rule in the Texas
Consolidated Elections - All public elections, should be consolidated to Primary and General election days
and locations.
Rights Versus Products -- We oppose calling welfare and other income and product redistribution schemes
“rights” or “entitlements”. We know that fundamental human rights are inherent to individuals and are granted
by God and are protected by the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution. They are not products
of others labor. Unalienable rights, such as life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property rights, free speech,
religious freedom, self-defense, etc. do not impose on others rights whereas income and product
redistribution invariably do so.
House Speaker Pledge Cards – We call on the Texas Legislature to cease the use of pledge cards in all
future House Speaker races.
Religious Symbols - We oppose any governmental action to restrict, prohibit, or remove public display of
the Decalogue or other religious symbols.
Pledge of Allegiance - We support adoption of the Pledge Protection Act. We also urge that the National
Motto “In God We Trust” and National Anthem be protected from legislative and judicial attack.
American English - We support adoption of American English as the official language of Texas and of the
United States.
Flag Desecration - Any form of desecration of the American Flag is an act of disregard for our nation and its
people and penalties should be established for such.
Flag Code – The U.S. flag code should be made into Law and not left to the sole discretion of the President.
Symbols of American Heritage - We call upon governmental entities to protect all symbols of our American
heritage from being altered in any way.
Confederate Widows Plaque - We call for restoration of plaques honoring the Confederate Widow’s Pension
Fund contribution that were illegally removed from the Texas Supreme Court building.
Family and Defense of Marriage ― We support the definition of marriage as a God-ordained, legal and
moral commitment only between a natural man and a natural woman, which is the foundational unit of a
healthy society, and we oppose the assault on marriage by judicial activists. We call on the President and
Congress to take immediate action to defend the sanctity of marriage. We are resolute that Congress
exercise authority under the United States Constitution, and pass legislation withholding jurisdiction from the
Federal Courts in cases involving family law, especially any changes in the definition of marriage. We further
call on Congress to pass and the state legislatures to ratify a marriage amendment declaring that marriage
in the United States shall consist of and be recognized only as the union of a natural man and a natural
woman. Neither the United States nor any state shall recognize or grant to any unmarried person the legal
rights or status of a spouse. We oppose the recognition of and granting of benefits to people who represent
themselves as domestic partners without being legally married. We advocate the repeal of laws that place
an unfair tax burden on families. We call upon Congress to completely remove the marriage penalty in the
tax code, whereby a married couple receives a smaller standard deduction than their unmarried
counterparts living together. The primary family unit consists of those related by blood, heterosexual
marriage, or adoption. The family is responsible for its own welfare, education, moral training, conduct, and
Judicial Activism in Marriage ― We support marriage and oppose the assault on marriage by judicial activists.
Enforcement of the Defense of Marriage Act ― We support the enforcement of the State and Federal Defense
of Marriage Act by state and federal officials respectively, and oppose creation, recognition and benefits for
partnerships outside of marriage that are being provided by some political subdivisions.
Marriage and Divorce - We believe in the sanctity of marriage and that the integrity of this institution should
be protected at all levels of government. We urge the Legislature to rescind no-fault divorce laws. We
support Covenant Marriage.
Family Values ― We support the affirmation of traditional Judeo-Christian family values and oppose the
continued assault on those values.
Supporting Motherhood ― We strongly support women who choose to devote their lives to their families and
raising their children. We recognize their sacrifice and deplore the liberal assault on the family.
Human Trafficking ― The Republican Party of Texas adamantly opposes any form of human trafficking.
Homosexuality ― We affirm that the practice of homosexuality tears at the fabric of society and contributes to
the breakdown of the family unit. Homosexual behavior is contrary to the fundamental, unchanging truths that
have been ordained by God, recognized by our country’s founders, and shared by the majority of Texans.
Homosexuality must not be presented as an acceptable “alternative” lifestyle, in public policy, nor should
“family” be redefined to include homosexual “couples.” We believe there should be no granting of special legal
entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin. Additionally,
we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction or
belief in traditional values.
Pornography ― We encourage the enforcement of laws regarding all forms of pornography, because
pornography is detrimental to the fabric of society.
Party Candidates and the Platform on Protecting Innocent Human Life - We implore our Party to support,
financially or with in-kind contributions, only those candidates who support protecting innocent human life.
Further, we strongly encourage the State Republican Executive Committee to hear and recognize the
longstanding and overwhelmingly consistent voice of the grass roots and revise its by-laws to make this action
binding on our Party.
Partial Birth Abortion - We oppose partial birth abortion. We recommend that Congress eliminate from all
federal court jurisdictions all cases involving challenges to banning Partial Birth Abortion.
Right To Life - All innocent human life must be respected and safeguarded from fertilization to natural death;
therefore, the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We affirm our
support for a Human Life Amendment to the Constitution and to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s
protection applies to unborn children. We support the Life at Conception Act. We oppose the use of public
revenues and/or facilities for abortion or abortion-related services. We support the elimination of public funding
for organizations that advocate or support abortion. We are resolute regarding the reversal of Roe v. Wade.
We affirm our support for the appointment and election of judges at all levels of the judiciary who respect
traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life. We insist that the U.S. Department of Justice
needs to prosecute hospitals or abortion clinics for committing induced labor (live birth) abortion. We are
opposed to genocide, euthanasia, and assisted suicide. We oppose legislation allowing the withholding of
nutrition and hydration to the terminally ill or handicapped. Until our final goal of total Constitutional rights for
the unborn child is achieved, we beseech the Texas Legislature in consideration of our state's rights, to enact
laws that restrict and regulate abortion including:
parental and informed consent;
prohibition of abortion for gender selection;
prohibition of abortion due to the results of genetic diagnosis
licensing, liability, and malpractice insurance for abortionists and abortion facilities;
prohibition of financial kickbacks for abortion referrals;
prohibition of partial birth and late term abortions; and
enactment of any other laws which will advance the right to life for unborn children.
Harassing Pregnancy Centers - We urge legislation to protect pregnancy centers from harassing ordinances to
require pregnancy centers to post signs in violation of their Constitutional rights. We further oppose any
regulation of pregnancy centers in Texas which interfere with their private, charitable business.
Parental Consent - We call on the Legislature to require parental consent for any form of medical care and/or
counseling to minors. We urge electoral defeat of judges who through judicial activism seek to nullify the
Parental Consent Law by granting bypasses to minor girls seeking abortions. We support the addition of a
legislative requirement for the reporting of judicial bypasses to parental consent on an annual basis to the
Department of State Health Services and such reports shall be made available to the public. Further, we
encourage the Congress to remove confidentiality mandates for minors from family planning service programs
operating under Title X of the Public Health Services Act and Medicaid.
Protection of Women’s Health - Because of the personal and social pain caused by abortions, we call for the
protection of both women and their unborn children from pressure for unwanted abortions. We commend the
Texas Legislature for the passage of the Woman's Right to Know Act, a law requiring abortion providers, prior
to an abortion, to provide women full knowledge of the physical and psychological risks of abortion, the
characteristics of the unborn child, and abortion alternatives. We urge the state government and the
Department of State Health Services to ensure that all abortion providers are in compliance with this informed
consent law and to ensure that all pregnancy centers and other entities assisting women in crisis pregnancies
have equal access to the informational brochures created by the Department of State Health Services.
Alternatives to Abortion - We urge the Department of State Health Services to provide adequate quantities of
The Woman’s Right to Know Resource Directory to anyone that works with pregnant women.
RU 486 - We urge the FDA to rescind approval of the physically dangerous RU-486 and oppose limiting the
manufacturers’ and distributors’ liability.
Morning After Pill - We oppose sale and use of the dangerous “Morning After Pill.”
Gestational Contracts - We believe rental of a woman’s womb makes child bearing a mere commodity to the
highest bidder and petition the Legislature to rescind House Bill 724 of the 78th Legislature. We support the
adoption of human embryos and the banning of human embryo trafficking.
Fetal Pain - We support legislation that requires doctors, at first opportunity, to provide to a woman who is
pregnant, information about the nervous system development of her unborn child and to provide pain relief for
her unborn if she orders an abortion. We support legislation banning of abortion after 20 weeks gestation due
to fetal pain.
Unborn Victims of Violence Legislation - We urge the State to ensure that the Prenatal Protection Law is
interpreted accurately and consider the unborn child as an equal victim in any crime, including domestic
Abortion Clinics - We propose legislation that holds abortion clinics to the same health regulations as other
medical facilities and that subjects clinics to the same malpractice liabilities. We oppose any public funding for
Planned Parenthood or other organizations/facilities that provide, advocate or promote abortions.
Abortion Requirements for Hospitals - We propose legislation that entitles hospitals to refuse to perform
abortions because government has no moral authority to require such an abortion.
Conscience Clause - We believe that doctors, nurses, pharmacists, any employees of hospitals and insurance
companies, health care organizations, medical and scientific research students, and any employee should be
protected by Texas law if they conscientiously object to participate in practices that conflict with their moral or
religious beliefs, including but not limited to abortion, the prescription for and dispensing of drugs with
abortifacient potential, human cloning, embryonic stem cell research, eugenic screenings, euthanasia, assisted
suicide, and the withdrawal of nutrition and hydration. We call on the Texas Legislature to pass legislation to
strengthen and clarify the current conscience clause in the Occupational Code to include the above-mentioned
persons and practices. We further encourage legislation that requires hospitals and clinics to inform all health
care personnel of their right to refuse to become involved in abortion or euthanasia, and their protection from
prosecution and retaliation under Texas law.
Fetal Tissue Harvesting - We support legislation prohibiting experimentation with human fetal tissue and
prohibiting the use of human fetal tissue or organs for experimentation or commercial sale. Until such time that
fetal tissue harvesting is illegal, any product containing fetal tissue shall be so labeled.
Stem Cell Research - We oppose any legislation that would allow for the creation and/or killing of human
embryos for medical research. We encourage stem cell research using cells from umbilical cords, from adults,
and from any other means which does not kill human embryos. We oppose any state funding of research that
destroys/kills human embryos. We encourage the adoption of existing embryos. We call for legislation to
withhold state and/or federal funding from institutions that engage in scientific research involving the killing of
human embryos or human cloning.
Human Cloning - Each human life, whether created naturally or through an artificial process, deserves
protection. We confirm that somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is the process by which a human being is
cloned, and that SCNT creates a unique human being with the same properties of a human embryo created
through the union of sperm and egg. We seek a ban on human cloning for reproductive purposes (where a
cloned human embryo, created through SCNT, is implanted in a womb and the human clone is birthed). We
also seek a ban on research cloning (where a cloned human embryo, created through SCNT, is created, grown
in the laboratory, and then destroyed when its stem cells are extracted for research purposes). Furthermore,
criminal penalties should be created and experimenters prosecuted who participate in the cloning of human
beings. No government or state funding should be provided for any human cloning.
Patient Protection - We support patients’ rights by calling on the state legislature to amend the Advance
Directive Act to establish due process of law and ensure that a physician’s decision to deny lifesaving
treatment against the patient’s will or advance directive is not due to economic or racial discrimination or
discrimination based on disability. We also support the passage of legislation to amend the Advance Directive
Act by requiring hospitals intending or threatening to withdraw life-sustaining treatment against the patient’s
wishes or their advance directive to continue all treatment and care for such patients pending transfer to
another facility.
Parental Rights and Responsibilities ― We believe that parental rights, authority and responsibilities are
inherent and protected by the United States Constitution. Local, state, or federal laws, regulations, or policies
shall not be enacted that limit parental rights in the rearing of both biological and adopted children. Parents
have the right and responsibility to direct and guide their children’s moral education. We strongly support a
Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
UN Treaty on the Rights of the Child ― We unequivocally oppose the United States Senate’s ratification of the
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Jurisdictional Disputes ― Parents and/or grandparents should not be denied court ordered visitation, because
of jurisdictional disputes between states.
Child Abuse Prevention ― We believe that no individual convicted of child abuse or molestation should have
the right to custody or adoption of a minor child. An abused child should be given the option of declining
visitation with his/her abuser. If court ordered, visitation with minor children by such persons should be
Adoption ― We support reducing the time, bureaucracy, and cost of adoption. We oppose mandates that deny
mothers a choice in selecting a traditional home for their children. We oppose mandatory open adoption.
Foster Care ― We support eliminating bureaucratic prohibitions on corporal discipline and home schooling in
foster homes.
Welfare Reform ― Welfare should offer a hand up to transition families and individuals through hard times and
welfare reform should encourage partnerships with faith based institutions, community and business
organizations to assist individuals in need. The current system encourages dependency on government and
robs individuals and generations of healthy motivation and self-respect. It should be limited in scope. We
encourage welfare reform in the following areas:
1. Denying benefits to individuals who cannot prove citizenship;
2. Welfare reforms should require recipients to work, learn, and train;
3. Reforms should require recipients to remain substance abuse free in exchange for temporary benefits not
exceeding two years.
4. Recipients should be required to submit to random drug testing in order to receive benefits;
5. Welfare cards should be confined to food and vital essentials, not cigarettes, lottery purchases, or alcohol or
drugs of any kind;
6. Prisoners should be removed from welfare rolls; and
7. A nominal co-pay should be required to encourage judicious utilization of health care services.
Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) Accountability ― We support the appointment of local
elected officials to review charges of abuse of discretion by the Department of Family and Protective Services
(DFPS) with respect to intervention into the family unit. Removal of a child from a home shall be pursuant to a
court order or in response to an immediate threat.
Social Security ― We support an immediate and orderly transition to a system of private pensions based on
the concept of individual retirement accounts, and gradually phasing out the Social Security tax. We insist that
Social Security benefits be non–taxable. To protect the Social Security System, its funds should not be co–
mingled or spent with general revenues or invested in private or public corporate stock.
Gambling ― We oppose the expansion of legalized gambling and encourage the repeal of the Texas State
lottery. We oppose dedicating any government revenue from gambling to create or expand any government
Caring for Our Mentally Disabled Citizens ― We urge the Legislature to continue funding and operating all
state-supported living centers for the mentally disabled, increase training standards of state-supported living
center employees, and ensure efficient funding and quality of service.
Health Care ― Health care decisions should be between a patient and health care professional and should be
protected from government intrusion.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) ― We demand the immediate repeal of the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which we believe to be unconstitutional.
Health Care Choice ― We urge the passage of health care reform, which results in more affordable healthcare
through a market-based, competitive, and transparent health care system, including tort reform, interstate
competition, genuine accountability and oversight.
Medical Records and Informed Consent ― We oppose any state or federal medical record computer database
or registry (with exception to diseases that are a public health threat, i.e., HIV and/or Tuberculosis), which
stores personal identifiable records on citizens without their written consent.
Health Care and Nutritional Supplements ― We deplore any efforts to mandate that vitamins and other natural
supplements be on a prescription–only basis, and we oppose any efforts to remove vitamins and other
nutritional supplements from public sale. We support the rights of all adults to their choice of nutritional
products, and alternative health care choices.
Unprocessed Foods ― We support the availability of natural, unprocessed foods, including, but not limited to,
the right to access raw milk.
Food Choice ― We support the right of individuals to make their own dietary decisions. We oppose any laws
regarding the production, distribution or consumption of food. Government should not restrict non-genetically
engineered seeds.
Immunizations ― All adult citizens should have the legal right to conscientiously choose which vaccines are
administered to themselves or their minor children without penalty for refusing a vaccine. We oppose any effort
by any authority to mandate such vaccines or any medical database that would contain personal records of
citizens without their consent.
American Identity Patriotism and Loyalty – We believe the current teaching of a multicultural curriculum is
divisive. We favor strengthening our common American identity and loyalty instead of political correctness that
nurtures alienation among racial and ethnic groups. Students should pledge allegiance to the American and
Texas flags daily to instill patriotism.
Basic Standards – We favor improving the quality of education for all students, including those with special
needs. We support a return to the traditional basics of reading, writing, arithmetic, and citizenship with
sufficient discipline to ensure learning and quality educational assessment.
Bilingual Education – We encourage non-English speaking students to transition to English within three years.
Career and Technology Education (Vocational Education) – We support reinstatement of voluntary career and
technology education, including adjusting the 4x4 requirements as needed, without detracting from non-
vocational program requirements.
Classroom Discipline –We recommend that local school boards and classroom teachers be given more
authority to deal with disciplinary problems. Corporal punishment is effective and legal in Texas.
Classroom Expenditures for Staff – We support having 80% of school district payroll expenses of professional
staff of a school district be full-time classroom teachers.
College Tuition – We recommend three levels of college tuition: In-state requiring proof of Texas legal
citizenship, out-of-state requiring proof of US citizenship, and nonresident legal alien. Non-US citizens should
not be eligible for state or federal grants, or loans.
Controversial Theories – We support objective teaching and equal treatment of all sides of scientific theories.
We believe theories such as life origins and environmental change should be taught as challengeable scientific
theories subject to change as new data is produced. Teachers and students should be able to discuss the
strengths and weaknesses of these theories openly and without fear of retribution or discrimination of any kind.
Early Childhood Development – We believe that parents are best suited to train their children in their early
development and oppose mandatory pre-school and Kindergarten. We urge Congress to repeal government-
sponsored programs that deal with early childhood development.
Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values
clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based
Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging
the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.
Educational Entitlement – We encourage legislation that prohibits enrollment in free public schools of non-
citizens unlawfully present in the United States.
Funding of Education – We urge the Legislature to direct expenditures to academics as the first priority.
Higher Education – We support merit-based admissions for all college and university applicants to public
institutions. We further support the repeal of the 1997 Texas legislative act commonly known as the Top Ten
Percent Rule. All Texas students should be given acceptance priority over out-of-state or foreign students.
Juvenile Daytime Curfew - We strongly oppose Juvenile Daytime Curfews. Additionally, we oppose any official
entity from detaining, questioning and/or disciplining our children without the consent of a child’s parent.
Local Control for Education – We support school choice and believe that quality education is best achieved by
encouraging parental involvement, protecting parental rights, and maximizing local independent school district
control. District superintendents and their employees should be made solely accountable to their locally elected
boards. We support sensible consolidation of local school districts. We encourage local ISDs to consider
carefully the advantages and disadvantages of accepting federal education money.
No Taxpayer Paid Lobbyists – We support the prohibition of any paid public school employee or contractor to
lobby the legislature or the SBOE, unless on an unpaid basis and in an unofficial capacity. No registered
lobbyist should be allowed to run for SBOE.
Parental Rights in Education – We believe the right of parents to raise and educate their children is
fundamental. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from any specialized program. We urge the
Legislature to enact penalties for violation of parental rights.
Sex Education – We recognize parental responsibility and authority regarding sex education. We believe that
parents must be given an opportunity to review the material prior to giving their consent. We oppose any sex
education other than abstinence until marriage.
Parental School Choice – We encourage the Governor and the Texas Legislature to enact child-centered
school funding options which fund the student, not schools or districts, to allow maximum freedom of choice in
public, private, or parochial education for all children.
Permanent School Fund – We believe that because the Permanent School Fund is not paid by taxpayers that
the principle balance should be safeguarded and not viewed as a source of additional funding for our state
Political Community Organizing in Texas Schools - We believe neither Texas public schools should be used
nor their students should be instructed by groups such as SEIU or other community organizers as instruments
to promote political agenda during the instructional school day.
Private Education – We believe that parents and legal guardians may choose to educate their children in
private schools to include, but not limited to, home schools and parochial schools without government
interference, through definition, regulation, accreditation, licensing, or testing.
Religious Freedom in Public Schools – We urge school administrators and officials to inform Texas school
students specifically of their First Amendment rights to pray and engage in religious speech, individually or in
groups, on school property without government interference. We urge the Legislature to end censorship of
discussion of religion in our founding documents and encourage discussing those documents.
School Surveys and Testing – Public schools should be required to obtain written parental consent for student
participation in any test or questionnaire that surveys beliefs, feelings, or opinions. Parental rights, including
viewing course materials prior to giving consent, should not be infringed.
State Board of Education (SBOE) – We believe that the SBOE should continue to be an elected body
consisting of fifteen members. Their responsibilities must include:
Appointing the Commissioner of Education
Maintaining constitutional authority over the Permanent School Fund
Maintaining sole authority over all curricula content and the state adoption of all educational materials.
This process must include public hearings.
The SBOE should be minimally staffed out of general revenue.
Textbook Review – Until such time as all texts are required to be approved by the SBOE, each ISD that uses
non-SBOE approved instructional materials must verify them as factually and historically correct. Also the ISD
board must hold a public hearing on such materials, protect citizen’s right of petition and require compliance
with TEC and legislative intent. Local ISD boards must maintain the same standards as the SBOE.
Supporting Military Families in Education – Existing truancy laws conflict with troop deployments. We believe
that truancy laws should be amended to allow 5 day absence prior to deployments and R&R. Military
dependents by definition will be Texas residents for education purposes.
Traditional Principles in Education – We support school subjects with emphasis on the Judeo-Christian
principles upon which America was founded and which form the basis of America’s legal, political and
economic systems. We support curricula that are heavily weighted on original founding documents, including
the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and Founders’ writings.
School Health Care – We urge legislators to prohibit reproductive health care services, including counseling,
referrals, and distribution of condoms and contraception through public schools. We support the parents’ right
to choose, without penalty, which medications are administered to their minor children. We oppose medical
clinics on school property except higher education and health care for students without parental consent.
U.S. Department of Education – Since education is not an enumerated power of the federal government, we
believe the Department of Education (DOE) should be abolished.
Zero Tolerance – We believe that zero tolerance policies in schools should specify those items that will not be
tolerated at schools. The policy should be posted on ISD websites.
Transparency – We support legislation requiring all school districts to post their expenditures online or made
readily available to the public.
Foreign Culture Charter Schools in Texas – We oppose public funding of charter schools which receive money
from foreign entities. We demand that these Charter Schools have accountability and transparency to local
parents, taxpayers, the State of Texas, as do current public schools, including U.S. citizenship of public school
Right to Keep and Bear Arms – America’s founding fathers wrote the 2nd amendment with clear intent – no
level of government shall regulate either the ownership or possession of firearms. Therefore we strongly
oppose all laws that infringe on the right to bear arms. We oppose the monitoring of gun ownership, and the
taxation and regulation of guns and ammunition. We collectively urge the legislature to pass “constitutional
carry” legislation whereby law-abiding citizens that possess firearms can legally exercise their God-given right
to carry that firearm as well. Until such time we urge the state to re-introduce and pass legislation easing
current restrictions on firearms such as open carry and campus carry. We strongly support a ten-year
mandatory minimum sentence, without parole, for felonies committed with firearms. Stiff penalties shall be
imposed for frivolous litigation against legitimate firearm manufacturers. We believe that Federal Firearms
License (FFL) holders should be free from harassment, and license revocations and denials against firearm
dealers based on violations consisting of largely inconsequential record-keeping errors and encourage the ATF
to consider lesser gradation of sanctions for such errors. Firearms and ammunition manufactured and sold in
the state of Texas are not covered under the Commerce Clause and therefore are not subject to Federal
regulation. We urge the passage of the “firearms freedom act”.
CHL Laws Applied to Texas Truckers – We call for truckers working within the state of Texas to enjoy the full
benefits of the Texas Concealed Handgun License law irrespective of unreasonable and intrusive federal
Indefinite Detention - The Republican Party abhors any policies of indefinite detention of US citizens without
due process. We urge Congress to terminate any practice of detention without due process.
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) - We call for the disbanding of the TSA and place airport security
into the more accountable and capable hands of the state and local law enforcement.
State Militia – We support the establishment and maintenance of a volunteer Constitutional State Militia with
assistance from County Sheriffs.
Militia versus Paid Army – We recognize that the original meaning of the word “militia” in the Constitution refers
to an armed citizenry, not the formal paid professional military.
Freedom of Access Act – We urge repeal of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Law. Those who
assault peaceful protesters acting under the Constitution should be vigorously prosecuted. Picketing and
literature distribution do not fall under the RICO Act.
Judeo-Christian Nation – As America is a nation under God founded on Judeo-Christian principles, we affirm
the constitutional right of all individuals to worship in the religion of their choice.
Safeguarding Our Religious Liberties – We affirm that the public acknowledgement of God is undeniable in our
history and is vital to our freedom, prosperity and strength. We pledge our influence toward a return to the
original intent of the First Amendment and toward dispelling the myth of separation of church and state. We
urge the Legislature to increase the ability of faith-based institutions and other organizations to assist the
needy and to reduce regulation of such organizations.
Religious Liberties Abroad – We urge Congress to sanction any foreign government that persecutes its citizens
for their religion.
Health and Human Services Mandates – We strongly oppose any federal or state requirement or other
mandate to provide abortions or contraception and sterilization, since this would clearly violate many
individuals, businesses, churches, and non-profit personnel’s faith and beliefs. Government must obey the 1st
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution!
Electronic Privacy – We believe all law-abiding citizens should be free from government surveillance of their
electronic communications except in cases directly involving national security, by court order. Except for non-
citizens, we further oppose any national ID program, including the Real ID Act and the use of Radio Frequency
Identification Chips (RFID) on humans.
Personal Confidentiality – Necessary dissemination of personal information among government entities must
be safeguarded with the threat of criminal penalties.
Equality of All Citizens – We deplore all discrimination. We also deplore forced sensitivity training and urge
repeal of any mandate requiring it. We urge immediate repeal of the Hate Crimes Law. Until the Hate Crimes
Law is totally repealed, we urge the Legislature to immediately remove the education curriculum mandate and
the sexual orientation category in said Law.
GMO Labeling - We support labeling of all products containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs), as well
as cloned organisms, in a uniform and recognizable fashion.
Boy Scouts of America – We support the Boy Scouts of America and reject any attempt to undermine or
fundamentally change the ideals of the organization.
Smart Meters - We oppose the mandated use of Smart Meters as well as the use of collected data to reduce
freedoms of U.S. citizens.
Internet Access - We support a free and open internet -- free from intrusion, censorship, or control by
government or private entities. Due to the inherent benefit of anonymity, the anonymity of users is not to be
compromised for any reason, unless consented by the user; or by court order. We also oppose any mandates
by the government to collect and retain records of our internet activity.
Prison Reform – We believe our prison systems should emphasize protection of society and punishment of
offenders, ever mindful of their human rights. Prisoners should be required to perform meaningful work.
Prisoners should not have access to private information of any citizen. No extraordinary medical care, including
organ transplants or body part replacement, should be performed on prisoners at taxpayer expense.
Sentencing Reform – We call for disclosure to juries of prior convictions of the defendant and the actual time
likely to be served before parole. We believe punishment should be assessed in proportion to the crime and
should be a deterrent. We support imprisonment for life without parole for habitual felons. Convicted criminals
should be required to make restitution to their victims. Prisoners without a high school diploma must be
required to attend training for GED. No inmate with a history of drug abuse should be eligible for parole before
completing treatment.
Crime Shouldn’t Pay – No convicted criminal should be allowed to profit from sale of rights to their story for
books, movies, etc., while incarcerated, on parole, or on probation.
Capital Punishment – Properly applied capital punishment is legitimate, is an effective deterrent, and should be
swift and unencumbered.
Juvenile Justice – Juvenile justice reforms should continue, including private programs, “boot camps,” and
trying juveniles as adults when appropriate. We condemn incarcerating juveniles and adults in the same
Child Abuse – We recognize the family as a sovereign authority over which the state has no right to intervene,
unless a parent or legal guardian has committed criminal abuse. Child abusers should be severely prosecuted.
We oppose actions of social agencies to classify traditional methods of discipline, including corporal
punishment, as child abuse. As a condition of funding, publicly funded agencies are to report all instances of
Unborn Victims of Violence – We believe a person who injures or kills an unborn child should be subject to
criminal and civil litigation.
Sexual Assault –Adults convicted of sexual molestation of a minor should receive mandatory prison sentences
without probation or parole. We support increasing the penalty for failure to report child sexual assault cases,
and we urge vigorous prosecution of such failure.
Addictive Behaviors – We encourage state and federal governments to severely prosecute illegal dealers and
manufacturers of addictive substances and pornography. We urge Congress to discourage import of such
substances into our country. Faith based rehabilitation programs should be emphasized. We oppose
legalization of illicit drugs. We support an effective abstinence-based educational program for children. We
oppose any “needle exchange” program. We urge vigorous enforcement of our DUI laws.
in the private sector and allow the free market to prevail. We oppose all bailouts of domestic and foreign
government entities, States and all businesses, public and private.
Sunset Laws – We support the Texas Sunset Law.
Government Lobbying – We oppose paying lobbyists with tax dollars.
Improper Government Funding – We support enforcement of current law prohibiting public assets being used
for private groups without proper vetting and authorization.
Funding Special Interest Organizations – We oppose any government support of special interest organizations,
such as ACORN and the ACLU.
Frugal Government – We encourage all governments and agencies to live as frugally as all taxpayers do and
to abhor the excessive spending on non-critical items such as this administration has indulged in.
Education Spending – Since data is clear that additional money does not translate into educational
achievement, and higher education costs are out of control, we support reducing taxpayer funding to all levels
of education institutions.
Faith-Based Charities – We oppose any restrictions by any government agency on taxpayer contributions to
churches and faith-based charities.
Law Basis for Regulations – We urge that all regulations written should be sent to the originating committee of
the supporting legislation for approval before being implemented.
Transparency in Government Litigation – We demand that all state agencies, municipalities, and public entities
pay greater attention to thwart frivolous lawsuits by trial lawyers. We urge our elected officials to pay greater
attention to out-of-control legal expenses to ensure being a good steward of the taxpayers’ money.
Governmental Transparency – We support statewide and local taxing entities compiling and publically posting
their current debt and future obligations on their official websites.
Federal Tax Reform – We recommend repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, with the
goal of abolishing the I.R.S and replacing it with a national sales tax collected by the States. In the interim we
urge the income tax be changed to a flatter, broader, lower tax with only minimal exemptions such as home
mortgage interest deductions.
Permanent Tax Cuts – We urge the income tax, capital gains tax, estate tax, and all other tax reductions be
made permanent. The death tax is immoral and should be abolished forever.
Capital Gains Tax – We favor abolishing the capital gains tax.
Gambling as a Source of Public Funding – We oppose gambling and gambling expansion as a means of
financing government. We recognize the failure of the lottery as a funding source for education and that it is now
known to be a regressive tax on the poor.
State Tax Reform –
We encourage:
Abolishing property taxes
Shifting the tax burden to a consumption-based tax
Reducing the overall tax burden
A constitutional amendment providing a two-thirds super majority of both houses to increase any taxes or
Every tax at every level should have separate and clearly visible billing to the taxpayer
We strongly oppose:
Creation of a state income tax or state property tax
All professional licensing fees and real estate and similar transaction fees or taxes
Texas Budget Compact – We support the Texas Budget Compact including:
Practice truth in budgeting
Support a Constitutional limit of spending to the growth of population and inflation
Oppose any new tax increases and make the small business tax exemption permanent
Preserve a strong "rainy day fund”
Cut the unnecessary and duplicative government programs and agencies
Business Tax – We urge repeal of the Texas business tax.
Property Appraisal – Until ad valorem taxes are abolished, we recommend that property valuations be fixed for
not less than three years following each revaluation. Appraisal District Boards should be elected. We support
capping the annual increase in real property appraisals at 3% and strongly support a reduction in the margin of
error in the property value study to 90% in place of the current 95%. We call upon the Texas Legislature to
eliminate the property value study.
Exemption of Inventories from Property Taxes – We urge outright repeal of property taxes on inventory.
Internet Taxation – We oppose any Internet taxation, until the income tax is removed.
Foreign Taxation – We strongly oppose the United Nations or any international group levying taxes on US
citizens or governments.
Law of the Sea – Adopted by the UN in 1982, we still oppose the Law of the Sea Treaty.
Transportation Fuel Taxes – We call for all transportation and fuel taxes collected to be used for road
construction, improvement and maintenance only. We resolve that tax revenue derived from gasoline taxes
should only be used for highway construction and not be diverted to any other use, including mass transit and
bicycle paths.
Tolls on Existing Roads – We support the legitimate construction of toll roads in Texas, but we oppose
converting existing state and federal roads to toll roads including eminent domain right-of-ways acquisition
without voter approval.
Funding via Bond Elections – We support active participation by registered voters and abhor taxing authorities’
attempts to obtain approval for bonds by selective scheduling of elections’ polling locations to minimize voter
turnout. Hence, we support a requirement that at least 25% of registered voters must turn out and vote in
order for a financial obligation to be placed on the entire citizenry.
Energy Strategy – We encourage a comprehensive energy policy that allows more development of domestic
energy sources and reduces our need for foreign energy. Energy policy should be cooperative, economically
viable without taxpayer funded subsidies, and environmentally safe, but not restricted by overzealous
environmental activism.
Alternative Energy Sources – We encourage economically viable use of wind, coal-fired plants, solar, and
nuclear power, and bio-sources without government subsidies.
Government Restrictions – We support immediate removal of government barriers to free market solutions to
production and distribution of energy including restrictions on:
drilling and production operations on public and private lands and waters
electric power generation and distribution
federal gas mileage standards (CAFÉ standards) and fuel blends
Cap and Trade – We oppose Cap and Trade (“Cap and Tax”).
U.S. Department of Energy – We support the elimination of the Department of Energy.
Incandescent Light Bulbs - We support the freedom to continue to use and manufacture incandescent light
Keystone XL Pipeline – We support the immediate approval and construction of the Keystone XL and other
pipelines that will reduce our reliance on imported oil and natural gas from unstable or unfriendly countries.
Deep Water Drilling – We support immediate resumption of deep water drilling and production in the Gulf of
Land Drilling – We support land drilling and production operations including hydraulic fracturing.
Ethanol – We support the repeal of legislation mandating ethanol as fuel additives and/or primary fuel.
Natural Gas - Alternative Fuel - We urge the use of natural gas as an alternative transportation fuel and as
complimentary fuel to gasoline and diesel.
We support the manufacture of vehicles that utilize natural gas as an alternative fuel and/or a
complimentary fuel
We support and encourage the conversion of existing private fleets to natural gas as a dual use fuel
We support the use of natural gas in electric power generation and other industrial uses
American Jobs – We support a favorable business climate of low taxes and deregulation to encourage capital
investment, ensuring retention and creation of American jobs.
Frivolous Lawsuits – We support further reform to discourage frivolous lawsuits. We oppose the abusive use of
class action lawsuits.
Right-to-Work – We oppose the Employee Free Choice Act (Card Check) and any action that eliminates the
secret ballot. Every worker should have freedom to work in their preferred job without being forced to join or
pay dues to any organization. Our Right-to-Work Law has provided this freedom and a good climate for
industrial expansion, higher employment, and a stable management-labor relationship. We encourage adoption
of a National Right-to-Work Act.
Small Business – We urge the federal and state legislatures to mitigate the impact of regulations on small
businesses and to ensure that such businesses are adequately represented in the regulatory process. We
support the removal of any unreasonable legal or economic barriers to home-based work.
Exotic Livestock – We encourage the freedom of farmers, ranchers and producers to be able to raise and
promote all livestock, wildlife and other protected species for conservation, consumption and economic
Workers’ Compensation – We urge the Legislature to resist making Workers’ Compensation mandatory for all
Texas employers.
Minimum Wage – We believe the Minimum Wage Law should be repealed.
Prevailing Wage Law – We urge the Congress to repeal the Prevailing Wage Law and the Davis Bacon Act.
Incentives for Retention of Domestic Operations – We support a favorable business climate of low taxes and
deregulation to encourage capital investment to ensure retention and creation of jobs in America.
Free Market for Utilities and Insurance – We encourage free market solutions for providing utilities whenever
possible. We support that all property insurance rates should be set through free-market forces alone. We
support efforts to shrink the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association to reduce the liabilities it imposes on state
Federal Reserve System – We believe Congress should repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. In the
interim, we call for a complete audit of the Federal Reserve System and an immediate report to the American
Sound Money – Our founding fathers warned us of the dangers of allowing central bankers to control our
currency because inflation equals taxation without representation. We support the return to the time tested
precious metal standard for the U.S. dollar.
Rural and Volunteer Fire Departments – We urge Congress to overturn the rules of the U. S. Department of
Labor restricting volunteerism by paid firefighters and emergency medical technician personnel.
Sarbanes Oxley – We support the repeal of Sarbanes Oxley legislation.
Dodd Frank – We support the immediate repeal of Dodd Frank legislation.
Community Reinvestment Act – We support the repeal of the Community Reinvestment Act.
Texas Sovereignty – We reaffirm Texas’ state sovereignty, as reserved under the 10th Amendment. Texas
retains its sovereignty, freedoms, independence, power, jurisdiction and rights which are not delegated to the
federal government by the U. S. Constitution.
National Sovereignty – We insist that the President and Congress defend our national sovereignty in
accordance with their oaths of office. Therefore we believe the United States government must remain free of
external control or influence, including, but not limited to, a North American union and a security and
prosperity partnership.
United Nations – We support the withdrawal of the United States from the United Nations and the removal of
U.N. headquarters from U.S. soil.
United Nations Agenda 21 -The Republican Party of Texas should expose all United Nations Agenda 21
treaty policies and its supporting organizations, agreements and contracts. We oppose implementation of the
UN Agenda 21 Program which was adopted at the Earth Summit Conference in 1992 purporting to promote a
comprehensive program of sustainable development projects, nationally, regionally and locally. We oppose
the influence, promotion and implementation of nongovernmental organizations, metropolitan and/or regional
planning organizations, Councils of Government, and International Council for Local Environmental initiatives
and the use of American (Texas) citizen’s taxes to promote these programs.
Homeland Security – We support the strengthening of our nation’s homeland security while protecting the
constitutional rights of all United States citizens and lawful resident aliens.
National Defense - We support a strong national defense that protects United States interests, freedoms and
sovereignty at home and abroad.
Support of our U.S. Armed Forces – The men and women who wear our country's uniform, whether on active
duty or in the Reserves or National Guard, are the most important assets in our military arsenal. They and
their families must have the pay, health care, housing, education and overall support they need. Injured
military personnel deserve the best medical care our country has to offer. We must always remember those
who have given the ultimate sacrifice; their families must be assured meaningful financial assistance. It is the
solemn duty we owe and honor we give to those who bravely don the uniform of freedom. We support our
government in continuing to seek and act upon all information concerning our military personnel and other
citizens carried as Missing in Action or Prisoners of War.
Returning Veterans – We support the accommodation and reintegration of our troops once their military
commitment has expired. Returning veterans must have access to educational benefits, job training and a
wide variety of employment options. The Veteran’s Administration must become more responsive and more
efficient by eliminating its backlog and reducing waiting times for treatment. We support the privatization of
veteran’s healthcare.
Traditional Military Culture – To protect our serviceman and women and ensure that America's Armed Forces
remain the best in the world, we affirm the timelessness of those values, the benefits of traditional military
culture and the incompatibility of homosexuality with military service.
NASA – We strongly encourage the federal government and NASA to work with American citizens and
American businesses to research and develop a new vehicle to continue human space flight and maintain
American’s leadership in space exploration.
The Texas Solution – Because of decades-long failure of the federal government to secure our borders and
address the immigration issue, there are now upwards of 11 million undocumented individuals in the United
States today, each of whom entered and remain here under different circumstances. Mass deportation of
these individuals would neither be equitable nor practical; while blanket amnesty, as occurred with the
Simpson-Mazzoli Act of 1986, would only encourage future violations of the law. We seek common ground to
develop and advance a conservative, market- and law-based approach to our nation’s immigration issues by
following these principles:
Secure Our Borders – The U.S. Border must be secured immediately! We demand the application of
effective, practical and reasonable measures to secure our borders and to bring safety and security for all
Americans along the border and throughout the nation.
Modernize the United States Social Security Card – We support the improvement of our 1936 Social
Security card to use contemporary anti-counterfeit technology. The social security card will not be
considered a National ID card for U.S. citizens.
Birthright Citizenship – We call on the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of the United States to
clarify Section 1 of the 14th amendment to limit citizenship by birth to those born to a citizen of the United
States with no exceptions.
Create an Effective and Efficient Temporary Worker Program – A national Temporary Worker Program
should be implemented to bring skilled and unskilled workers into the United States for temporary periods
of time when no U.S. workers are currently available. The program should also require:
Self-funding through participation fees and fines;
Applicants must pass a full criminal background check;
Applicants with prior immigration violations would only qualify for the program if they paid the
appropriate fines;
Applicants and/or Employers must prove that they can afford and/or secure private health insurance;
Applicants must waive any and all rights to apply for financial assistance from any public entitlement
Applicant must show a proficiency in the English language and complete an American civic class;
Temporary Workers would only be able to work for employers that deduct and match payroll taxes;
All participants would be issued an individual Temporary-Worker Biometric Identification Card that
tracks all address changes and both civil and criminal court appearances as a defendant.
Foreign Policy – We support the spread of representative forms of government, free market enterprise, private
humanitarian aid to developing countries, continued favorable treatment of proven allies, censure of
adversarial entities that seek destruction of other countries and strong policy on confronting terrorists. We
oppose U.S. aid to any foreign entity that consistently votes against our interests or is openly hostile to our
Declaration of War – We believe that a lawful “Declaration of War” is necessary for the United States to enter
into war with another nation and urge Congress to reclaim its Constitutional responsibility. Any breech of this
power by the Executive Branch is an impeachable offence.
Foreign Aid – We oppose foreign aid except in cases of national defense or catastrophic disasters, with
Congressional approval.