It being my last day of freedom however, I have done some laundry, played Super Mario Brothers, painted and taken a nap. Oh yes. Happy me.
And the rest of this post is going to be me sharing with you something that I accomplished over the break. HERBS!
My mother-in-law got me an awesome windowsill herb garden set for Christmas. I was so excited I followed the directions to a tee! Anyway, this is my little photo documentation of the process.
This is what I needed to get started. The soil pellets and seed packets came with the planters.
It said to poor the water over the soil pellets and let them soak. hmmm.
Sure enough! Those things started to grow!
And they kept growing!!
Look at how big those suckers became!
Goo... it was like fiber mud.
Ins't that a cute little planter? There are seeds in it ready to be covered with the remaining dirt.
It says to wrap them in plastic until they germinate.
And, Viola! Herbs! The ones on the left didn't grow, but that's okay because I can choose what to put in there now. I believe I have basil and oregano, so maybe some peppermint, or rosemary would be happy on my windowsill. Thanks for the herb garden!
Happy Spring Semester World!
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