Friday, April 29, 2011

My nuts exploded all over my shirt.

I recently became infatuated with a product called Soap Nuts.  Here's a link because I'm sure you don't need me spewing up what I read on their website.  Basically they're a fruit that has a cleaning chemical in them and they've been used for thousands of years in China.  So, I wanted to try them and well, I effing LOVE them!  It's all true.  They do wash your laundry, brighten colors, soften fabric, but get this!  You can make a liquid out of them and use them for mopping floors, doing dishes and cleaning windows!!  I'm not making this up.  They grow on freakin' trees people!  So, being the brilliant little domestic goddess that I am.  <cough cough> I started using these nuts for the recommended loads of laundry and then collecting them in a cup until I had enough to make the liquid soap.  Well, needless to say, today was the day! Actually yesterday was the day but I left them soaking overnight.  This afternoon, I decided to try and blend the liquid and what was left of the nuts.  Well, they create suds you see.  And apparently it is a bad idea to blend, whirl, spin, shake, joggle, etc. anything that creates suds.  I was using my Magic Bullet and it was magic, let me tell ya'!  The moment I pressed down the liquid became white from the bottom to the top in a second and began spraying foam from the lid.  Only my bullet is getting old and kinda sticks so by the time I stopped the spraying, spinning, blending and screaming it was all over the place.
I know what you're thinking and you're right.
It DOES look like nut juice!

The Good News?
My counter is really clean, the floor on that side of the kitchen is spotless and the Bullet, which was foamed half to death, doesn't stick anymore.  The foam was so thick that the lid left a shape in it.  I think it was similar to root beer float foam, but I haven't had a root beer float in ages, so maybe not.  It was THICK!

This morning I just happened to take off some earrings that I had worn for about two months and they were crusty.  It happens.  But, they're tiny little peace signs and I couldn't get them clean with a cotton ball, so guess what I did???  I soaked 'em in nut juice!  That's right.... I also have this inability to pass up jokes about "these nuts."  I can't help it.  Why do they call them nuts anyway??  They're dried berries.  Actually, I'm fairly certain I could make a joke about my berries too, so either way.

Tips for the day:
1. Do not blend things capable of making suds.
2. Pureeing your nuts is unnecessary.
3. Nuts will explode and spray juice all over your shirt.  Just so ya' know.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

How To Use My BlogSpot

Welcome Friends and Family!!

Well, prices double and writers must write, so here we are.  I wanted to give you some tips about how this page will work.  It'll be a little different from our family website because it will be Blog based. This is GREAT because it gives you the ability to follow us and share our posts and pictures with your friends.  AND you don't have to worry about sharing too much because this page is set up to be viewed publicly(no personal info and such).  Oh yeah!  And you can comment!  Isn't that fantastic?... well, we'll see anyway.  If you want to comment and don't see a comment box, it's because you are at my home page.  Simply click on the title of the blog and you will see a comment box at the bottom.

As I create pages you will see them appear above the latest blog.  At the moment you can see a button for "Home" and one for "Photos."  The photos on this page won't be as up to date as my Facebook photos, but I will provide a link to those for friends and family.  I haven't decided what I will do about sharing videos, but it will consist of whatever is easiest.  Savvy?  I hope so.  Transitions can be a sticky.  Let's break out the Goo b gone!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I'm starting a Blog because I want to be a writer blah blah blah and you're already bored. Look, I have some pretty exciting things happen in my life and sometimes I just want to share them with the world.  "Hey World! Check this out!" kinda thing.  Then there's that ever present, nagging voice of professors in my head saying, "you should write something everyday" coupled with the fact that we live 2 hours away from our nearest family member and keeping Grandmas up to date is a demanding job.  So, what you might find here is a combination of updates on my crazy offspring, ramblings about the world - journal style and a general cataloguing of fantastic findings and moments of clarity as I explore this murky life.  It's sure to be messy and with dedication, disastrous.  Watch your step.